
During the 12 week summer internship at eBay Inc., I worked at the PayPal headquarters in San Jose, CA. My project at PayPal dealt with creating a website for the User Experience department that showcases various projects, teams, disciplines, and individual designers. The website serves as a hub for all designers at PayPal that can be self-maintained through a community platform. The website's goal was to create a presence online and develop the growing design community within PayPal.

PayPal Then

In order to better understand the existing situation of how PayPal designers shared their work, I created a customer journey map that mapped the doing, thinking, and feeling of designers. I then storyboarded how these factors would change once a site was created. The customer journey map helped me visualize the designer's process in acquiring information and clearly identify what their exact needs are and where the frustration presided so I could know where to focus on.


Because a sharing platform for designers did not exist at PayPal yet, I created a minimum viable product that addressed the problems people experienced when trying to share information. I mocked up wireframes on Adobe Illustrator and made them clickable using an online prototyping tool. The prototype consisted of no colors or rich content and only mocked the flows that a user would experience when browsing. 

Think alouds / Surveys

Using the MVP, usability tests were done to identify what parts of the website were working and what parts were not. Users were given a task to carry out and voice aloud what they were thinking as I monitored their process.

PayPal Now

By the end of my 12 week internship, the website was ready to launch and be shared across the entire PayPal and eBay Inc. The website is self-sustaining, so users can upload content and manage their team product pages themselves. Designers can also publicly post interesting and inspiring articles to share across the organization as well as updates on their products.